Who serves on the board?
For the most part, representatives are the CEOs of member agencies, but sometimes, time constraints cause CEOs to name senior executives to represent their organizations.
What programs are available?
Our primary activity is our Annual Awards Dinner, where inductees are honored. The Awards Dinner is held on the first Thursday of February. The Heritage Award, Digital Pioneer Award, DEI Social Media Challenge winners and Future Famers are also celebrated.
Our secondary activities involve documenting the industry’s history and providing educational and DEI programs for our members.
What’s the time commitment?
We typically hold quarterly board meetings that the board reps need to attend. Member volunteers handle all of our initiatives, so your time commitment will depend on what you raise your hand to be involved in. We have numerous subcommittees formed to tackle initiatives.
What are the membership costs?
Annual dues are based on billings:
- over $50M — $6,000
- $25-50M — $4,200
- $10-25M — $3,000
- under $10M — $1,800
How do I become a member?
Contact Anne Gideon, Executive Director, anne@mahf.com