C. Marshall Paul

C. Marshall Paul Inducted 2016Research During his career in the pharmaceutical industry, Marshall Paul produced and promoted a significant body of information derived from primary promotion research that supports the concept that the creation and implementation of pharmaceutical promotion is as much a science as it is an art. The results of his efforts make […]
Scott D. Cotherman

Scott Cotherman Inducted 2016AgencyAccount Management Scott Cotherman lives for the future. He predicts where the healthcare world is going, and works hard to shape the future into something we can all embrace. For 35 years, Scott used his visionary talents through his work at CAHG, his leadership of organizations such as the Medical Advertising Hall […]
Kenneth F. Begasse, Sr.

Kenneth F. Begasse, Sr. Inducted 2016AgencyAccount Management Winston Churchill said: “We make a living by what we get; we make a life by what we give.” This quote reflects the way that Ken Begasse, Sr. lived his life. He was the type of person who gave generously of himself to help develop others. In addition […]