John Kamp

John Kamp Inducted 2020 Advocate A Voice for the Industry As a founder of the Coalition for Healthcare Communication over 25 years ago, John recognized the need for a voice to speak up for the industry. Then, for 16 years as Executive Director of the Coalition, he was that voice—a wise, shrewd, and articulate defender […]
Lawrence Lesser

Lawrence J. Lesser Inducted 2020 Agency Account Management Changing the Perspective of Healthcare Advertising Larry Lesser is one of the great pioneers of the modern (post-1970) healthcare advertising industry. An employee and disciple of the ‘founding father’ of healthcare advertising, Ludwig Wolfgang Frohlich, learning everything there was to know about healthcare advertising and, more importantly, […]
Thomas Harrison

Thomas Harrison Inducted 2020AgencyAccount Management Revolutionary Strategist in the Healthcare Commuications Industry It’s been said, “Necessity is the mother of invention,” a phrase that very much encapsulates Tom Harrison’s career. As an innovative, pioneering leader, he changed the healthcare communications industry by reinventing how we communicate within it. He recognized needs within the industry that […]